Suds in Washer: Causes, Cleaning, and Prevention Tips

Suds in Washer Causes, Cleaning, and Prevention Tips

Doing your laundry is both satisfying and exhausting. There is a particular style to it, which most of us have learned from techniques that were passed down from parents to their children. Time goes by, and you’ve become the master of doing your own laundry. Certain techniques are learned along the way to make laundry more effortless, but one thing is unavoidable, leftover suds in washer.

Keep on reading to learn the tips and tricks on how to get rid of suds in washing machines.

What Causes Leftover Suds?

Here are possible reasons why you’re seeing too many suds pestering your washer.

  • Detergent. Putting too much does not mean more efficiency, so simply decrease the amount you use. There are different kinds of detergent, and the one you are currently using might not be suitable for your washer.
  • Agitation Intensity. An increase in agitation intensity doesn’t only cause a buildup of extra soap suds but also causes damage.
  • Washer. You might need maintenance. Hose and drain clogging are common problems that lead to that extra buildup.
  • Time. In the long run, soap suds can also build up in your fabric due to continuous washing. Not only that, but it can also build up suds in the washer, so you might want to check that out as well.

Getting Rid of Suds in Washing Machines

Bubbles can bring joy and a sense of being squeaky clean but remember that too much of anything is not good. Too much detergent might cause trouble and leaks. Have another round of rinse cycle to remove those extra suds by using the following methods.


Vinegar is a common household ingredient that you most likely already have in your cupboard. It contains at least 5% acetic acid, which is safe for consumption and is a powerful cleaning agent. Here are some steps on how to get rid of suds in washing machines using vinegar.

  1. Using a clean, dry cloth, wipe the inside of your washer to remove the residual soap and bubbles. Continue the process while changing to a new dry cloth from time to time.
  2. Fill the washer with water.
  3. Add 2 cups of distilled white vinegar.
  4. Run it on full load and wait for it to complete the cycle.
  5. Run the washer for a second rinse cycle to remove the smell and any residual soap.
  6. Repeat steps 2-5 until there is no residual soap suds and fabrics.

Fabric Softener

Get rid of suds using a fabric softener.

Add one cap full of fabric softener directly to your load or through the dispenser.
Run the washer on the rinse cycle. Repeat if necessary.

Prevention is Better Than Cure

Too much suds in washing machines can cause damage to fabrics. Soap suds in washers can cause odor and light fabrics to darken, or worse, skin irritation to the user. You can avoid it by following these preventive measures on how to get rid of suds in washing machines:

Use Low Phosphate Detergents

Phosphate in detergents causes extra soap suds. Low phosphate detergents produce fewer suds. It can protect you from damage and is helpful to the environment.

Right Type of Detergent

High-efficiency detergents are known to produce lesser suds.

Right Amount of Detergent

We tend to disregard the user’s manual. Check your washer’s manual to find the right amount of detergent for your washer.

Maintenance Check

As you continually use your washer, soap suds tend to build up in its nooks and crannies. Here’s how you would know if there are residual suds in your washer.

  • Your washer won’t drain. When you have too much suds in your washing machine, it might set the SUD alert off. It might prevent it from draining and can shut down your washer in the middle of its cycle.
  • The washing machine smells.
  • Spots are present in your clothes after washing.

Call for help

If you have tried the following steps and the problem persists, you may want to call an appliance repair center, because it might be a clogged hose and drain, pump failure or malfunction, pump belt damage, or lid switch issues.

If you need help washing your clothes in the meantime, call us at Kelly’s. We offer the best green earth cleaning in Durango.