Everything You Need to Know About Bedspread Dry Cleaning

A woman in a white shirt carefully folds a pink blanket at a dry cleaning shop.

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Bedspreads come in various fabrics, sizes, and designs, adding a touch of elegance to any bedroom. Since bedspreads cover the entire bed, they are more prone to dirt, dust, and stains. To maintain their crispness and extend their life span, regular cleaning is vital.

When it comes to cleaning bedspreads, you have two main options: bedspread dry cleaning and washing them in a washing machine. Each method has its pros and cons, and the best choice depends on the bedspread’s fabric and the care label instructions.

What is Bedspread Dry Cleaning?

It is a professional cleaning service that uses specialized solvents to remove dirt, stains, and odors from bedspreads. Unlike traditional laundry methods that use water, dry cleaning minimizes the risk of shrinking, color fading, and fabric damage.

Dry cleaning machines are designed to clean large items, such as bedspreads, while protecting their delicate fabrics. The process typically involves the following steps:

1. Pre-inspection: Trained cleaners examine the bedspread for any existing damage, loose threads, or missing buttons. They also identify specific stains or areas that require extra attention.

2. Pre-treatment: To enhance stain removal, the cleaners apply specialized solvents or detergents to the affected areas. This step helps break down the stains before the bedspread is placed in the dry cleaning machine.

3. Machine cleaning: The bedspread is then loaded into the dry cleaning machine, where it is gently agitated with the solvent. The machine removes dirt, dust, and odors from the fabric.

4. Post-treatment: After the cleaning cycle, the cleaners may perform additional spot treatments if any stains remain. They carefully inspect the bedspread to ensure the desired level of cleanliness.

5. Finishing: Once the bedspread is deemed clean, it undergoes a finishing process, which may include steaming or pressing to remove wrinkles and restore its original appearance.

6. Final inspection and packaging: The cleaned bedspread undergoes a final quality check, and if it meets the standards, it is carefully packaged and made ready for delivery or collection.

Benefits of Bedspread Dry Cleaning

Benefits of Bedspread Dry Cleaning

1. It Prevents Fabric Damage

Some bedspreads are made of delicate fabrics like silk, satin, or wool, which can easily get damaged when exposed to water. Dry cleaning eliminates this risk, allowing you to clean these bedspreads safely.

2. It Reduces the Chances of Shrinkage

Shrinkage is a common concern when washing bedspreads in a washing machine. Dry cleaning significantly reduces the risk of shrinkage is significantly since the process does not involve water or vigorous agitation.

3. It Preserves the Color and Texture

Dry cleaning helps maintain the vibrant colors and textures of bedspreads. Unlike water, which can cause colors to bleed and fade, dry cleaning solvents are gentle on the fabric, minimizing the risk of color damage.

4. It Offers Professional Stain Removal

Stubborn stains on bedspreads are hardto remove. The good news is, dry cleaners have the expertise and specialized products to tackle these stains effectively. Choosing dry cleaning increases the chances of successful stain removal.

5. It Saves Time and Effort

Cleaning large bedspreads in a washing machine is time-consuming and labor-intensive. Opting for dry cleaning frees you from this task, allowing you to focus on other important matters while your bedspread receives professional care.

When Should You Opt for Bedspread Dry Cleaning?

1. When the Care Label Recommends Dry Cleaning

Some bedspreads come with care instructions that explicitly state “dry clean only.” Follow the recommended method to avoid any potential damage and maintain the bedspread’s quality.

2. When Dealing With Hard-to-remove Stains

Do not fret if your bedspread has stubborn stains. Take it to a dry cleaner immediately. They have the necessary skills and tools to solve your problem.

3. When You Want to Extend the Bedspread’s Lifespan

Bedspreads are a significant investment, and you want them to last as long as possible. Perhaps you have a favorite one that you cannot bear to part with. Dry cleaning can help you achieve this goal by minimizing the risk of fabric damage and color fading, ultimately extending the bedspread’s life span.

Washing a Bedspread in a Washing Machine: What You Should Know

While bedspread dry cleaning is the preferred choice for some, washing bedspreads in a washing machine is a viable option for others. However, before you toss your bedspread in the washing machine, there are a few things you should know:

1. Check the Care Label

The care label instructions are your best guide in determining whether a bedspread is suitable for machine washing. If the label indicates that machine washing is safe, you can proceed; otherwise, it’s better to opt for a different cleaning method.

2. Prepare the Bedspread

Before washing, it is advisable to close all zippers, buttons, and fastenings on the bedspread. This precaution helps prevent damage to the fabric and avoids snagging or tangling with other items in the washing machine.

3. Choose the Right Settings

For bedspreads, it’s best to use the washing machine’s delicate or gentle cycle, as this setting minimizes the risk of fabric damage. Additionally, selecting cold or lukewarm water is recommended to prevent color bleeding and shrinkage.

4. Consider Using a Mild Detergent

To protect the fabric further, use a mild detergent when washing bedspreads. Harsh chemicals can be detrimental, causing colors to fade and fabrics to deteriorate.

5. Size Matters

Large bedspreads may not have enough room to move freely in the washing machine, leading to inadequate cleaning and potential fabric damage. It is best to wash oversized bedspreads in a commercial-sized washing machine or seek professional cleaning services.

6. Be Prepared for Post-wash Care

After washing, promptly remove the bedspread from the washing machine to minimize wrinkling. Depending on the fabric type, you can air dry the bedspread or use a dryer on low heat. It is important to note that some bedspread materials, like silk, may require flat drying to preserve their shape.

The Bottom line

When it comes to washing a bedspread, the choice between bedspread dry cleaning and using a washing machine depends on the bedspread’s fabric and the care label instructions. If the label recommends dry cleaning or the bedspread has difficult stains, opting for dry cleaning is the best decision.

On the other hand, if the care label permits machine washing, follow the appropriate settings, mild detergent, and take necessary precautions to prevent fabric damage. By following these guidelines, you can safely clean your bedspread and enjoy its freshness.

Choose us for the best bedspread cleaning services in Farmington!

Our Farmington dry cleaners are here to provide you with premium care for your cherished bedspreads. Trust us with tough stains. We are experts in preserving delicate fabrics and we specialize in both bedspread dry cleaning and machine washing, ensuring your bedding remains vibrant and fresh.

We’ll handle all your bedspread cleaning needs with extra care and attention to detail. Visit us at Kelly’s Dry Cleaners today and experience the finest dry cleaning service in Farmington for your bedspreads!