Why Switch to a Green Dry Cleaner?

Why Switch to a Green Dry Cleaner

Traditional dry-cleaning practices make use of harmful chemicals and solvents. Though effective in removing stains and cleaning clothes, it is not good for the Earth. That’s when green Earth dry cleaning came about. It uses chemicals that are as effective as traditional ones but not as toxic and harmful.

More and more people are becoming conscious about their habits which is a good thing for the people and the environment itself. If you’re wondering this very question, “What is green dry cleaning?” we’re here to enlighten you! Who knows? You might make the switch right away!

What is Green Dry Cleaning?

Perchloroethylene or PERC is a colorless solvent. It is used not only in dry cleaning but also in degreasing metals and other industrial settings. It is also one of the ingredients in paint remover, printer inks, sealants, and more. Although it doesn’t present any harm when you’re exposed to small amounts, it can have drastic effects such as irritation on the eyes, skin, nose, and throat when exposed to higher levels of PERC.

Green dry cleaning is a safer alternative to washing your clothes without the use of perchloroethylene. There are different methods of green dry cleaning, such as wet cleaning. Some other methods follow the traditional dry cleaning method but use safer chemicals such as carbon dioxide, silicon-based cleaners, and hydrocarbons.

Among the four methods of green dry cleaning, there are two methods considered to be safest for the environment and consumers: liquid carbon dioxide cleaning and wet cleaning. You can ask green Earth dry cleaners near you about all the methods they offer.

Why Should You Make the Switch?

If you need a little more convincing, we’ve listed some reasons that will surely have you looking for the nearest green dry cleaning shops nearby.

1. It is better for you and your loved ones.

Traditional dry cleaning methods use PERC. Small amounts of PERC can attach to your clothes and even vaporize in the air you breathe. If you don’t know this, PERC is linked to various health problems such as cancer. When you choose green alternatives, you can be confident that the clothes that you and your loved ones wear are clean and safe.

2. It doesn’t harm the environment.

One of the major reasons to make the switch is the environment. Chemicals used in traditional dry cleaning can find their way into the air, bodies of water, and even the soil. It can wreak havoc to plants, animals, humans, and even the Earth’s ozone layer. Sending your dirty clothes to green Earth dry cleaners is one way to save the environment.

3. It is good for your clothes.

Green dry cleaning is actually gentler on your clothes’ fabrics. You won’t have to worry about discoloration and other clothing-related problems. The fabrics will remain soft and gentle to your skin. Say goodbye to allergic reactions from harsh chemicals and odors. It is also good for almost every fabric type there is.

4. It is effective.

There is no question about the effectiveness of organic dry-cleaning in removing stains and stubborn odors. Aside from being gentle on your favorite clothing pieces, the non-toxic chemicals also penetrate every thread and eliminate oils, dirt, and stains. Imagine getting the cleanliness you deserve while saving the environment.

5. It is easy to avail of green dry cleaning services.

If you’re worried about going through all the hassle, green dry cleaning services are easy to use. You can either have it delivered to your doorstep or pick it up yourself when it’s all done. You can ask dry cleaners near you if they can pick up your dirty clothes and have them delivered afterward.

6. It costs the same or cheaper.

When you choose green alternatives, you won’t have to worry about putting a hole in your pocket. It either costs the same as traditional dry cleaning services or might even be a cheaper option. The cost of chemicals in traditional dry cleaning chemicals is more costly.

If you or someone you know wants to give environmentally safe dry cleaning a try, Kelly’s Dry Cleaners is a green dry cleaner! We offer green earth cleaning in Durango, CO. You can rest assured that we’re using green Earth dry cleaning machines. Call us now!