How To Eliminate Musty Smell After Water Damage

KDC-Woman Holding Bucket Showing Water Leaking

Water damage is a serious problem for everyone experiencing it.

It poses several threats to the safety of people living or working on a property affected by the disaster. Moreover, it can lead to the weakening of your property’s foundations. Not to mention that it can also cause diseases in people. Whether the cause of the water damage is a complication in the plumbing system or a solid natural disaster, you should address it immediately.

You might wonder what is the musty smelling stain from the corner of your walls, floors, or ceiling. It is the mold and mildew buildup from the water damage because they thrive in wet, moist, or damp areas. They can also create stains in your household furniture and fixtures. For instance, when there is flooding in the living room, the cushion of a chair can absorb contaminated water, resulting in mold and mildew buildup overtime.

What Causes Water Damage in Properties

Before tackling ways of getting rid of musty smells, it is essential to know the causes of the water damage. When you know the primary source of water damage, you can prevent it from happening to your property again. It will make you one step ahead in securing your property from the possible outcome of another water damage.

Plumbing Issues

One of the most common reasons property owners suffer from water damage is they don’t actively deal with issues in the plumbing system. Water leakage, burst pipes, and blocked drainage systems are the usual culprits. When you leave them unattended, it can damage the foundation of your property and start mold and mildew buildup, which causes a musty smell.

Natural Disasters

When your area gets hit by a strong typhoon, expect to get affected by flooding. It is one of the main reasons properties suffer from water damage due to natural disasters. Unlike flooding from plumbing issues, the water from natural disasters is dirty because it is combined with the outside dirt.

If this happens and you cannot protect fabric-covered household items, expect a musty smell when the floodwater is gone.

Steps to Get Rid of Musty Smells in Houses Affected by Water Damage

Are you currently experiencing problems in your property involving water? If your answer is yes, you should prepare yourself for the aftermath.

Dealing with water damage is stressful. It can affect your property and your lifestyle in different ways. In addition, the damage to your property can cause long-term problems if not appropriately addressed as soon as possible. For instance, when the foundation of the property absorbs an excessive amount of water, it can cause mold buildup, which can weaken the integrity of your property. With the right solutions and immediate action, you can still save the property from total damage and permanently remove the musty smells.

To totally address mold problems in your property after experiencing water damage, here are some viable steps to follow:

1. Inspect the Property

After experiencing a disaster, inspect your property immediately. It would be best to look for possible water damage inside and outside the property.

Check for stains and cracks in the ceiling and walls. Also, inspect the floor if it’s warped, or if you can hear a bubbling sound when you step on the tiles. It is also essential to check on the fabric of your furniture and fixtures. They are the first to release musty smells caused by water damage.

2. Identify the Source of the Musty Odor

After inspecting the property for water damage, identify the source of the musty smell in the house. Molds and mildew buildup are the usual source of these uninviting scents. Some areas of the property may remain damp, which can be an ideal breeding ground for mold and mildew to buildup, so it would be ideal to prioritize in cleaning those areas and getting rid of any items that are damp and wet.

3. Dry Out the Affected Area and Items

After a disaster that involves water, prioritize how you can dry the affected areas and items instantly to reveal the true extent of the water damage on your property. If the musty smells start to cover a particular area on the property, ensure to open the door and windows to keep fresh air flowing through the room. You can also bring the furniture and fixtures outside to dry in the sun.

4. Remove the Source of the Musty Smell

When your furniture sets are the source of the musty smell, it is crucial to remove the primary source of the problem. The cushion and fabric covers of the furniture are the usual suspects. If you cannot throw the whole set away, you can choose to remove the cushion, wash the fabric, and let a professional restoration team reupholster those household items.

5. Ensure Good Airflow and Deodorize

After the rigorous process of identifying the source of water damage and cleaning damaged household items, ensure a decent airflow inside your house. Let the fabrics dry out naturally in the sun to help eliminate the musty odor from the water damage.

If you want to add fragrance to the fabric, soak it in the natural scent of your choice for a few minutes. Once done, hang it outside to completely dry. If your space is not enough to dry out the damaged fabric naturally, you can spray a deodorizer directly on it to avoid musty smells from returning.

Entrust the Restoration of Your Household Items to Professionals

If the DIY steps of getting rid of musty smells didn’t work, it is best to immediately call for help from a professional restoration and dry cleaning company. Some textiles are difficult to clean and restore. That’s why you should leave it to professionals to remove the musty smells from them.

Kelly’s Dry Cleaner is the most reliable when it comes to water damage restoration in Durango, CO. We guarantee you that our musty smell remover services can effectively address this problem.

Don’t hesitate to call us to know more about our services!